Weinberg and Associates is a law firm based out of eastern PA that handles many credit card collection cases in Pennsylvania. They often represent Cavalry or Main Street Acquisitions, which are large junk debt buyers, or Bank of America, FIA Card Services or GE Money Bank, in these lawsuits. They file dozens of lawsuits daily in every county in Pennsylvania to collect on old debt claims that have been charged off by the original creditor.
The attorneys at Weinberg and Associates are fine attorneys, they are well versed in the law. Fortunately, for both you and our law firm, their clients are not always prepared. Credit card cases are based upon documents. Without documents, or without enough relevant documents, even the best collection attorneys cannot win.
We can review any lawsuits that they’ve filed and then help you make a plan of action. Sometimes defending the lawsuit is the way to go, and other times working a negotiated settlement is the best choice. We’ll make sure to tell you the good, the bad and the ugly about your lawsuit so that you can make an informed decision as to how to proceed.
Our firm has a great deal of experience in defending credit card collection cases. If you have been sued in any county in Pennsylvania by Weinberg & Associates or another collection agency, our firm can help you defend or negotiate this claim at minimal cost, with a great chance at success. Contact our office here, call us at 412-348-8600 or visit our Lawsuit Defense page.